Our guide to posting on social media
Posting on social media is easy, just make sure that wat you’re posting is going to give you the followers, engagement or action that you’re after. Take a look below to see what sort of content we suggest you share.
Product photos: Take a number of photos of the products that you offer, maybe wines, beers or food from your outlet. Then when posting add in a description of the product such as tasting profile, what it goes well with or a bit about the brand.
Lifestyle photos: Got some loyal regulars? Why not ask to take some photos of them in your outlet and share on social. You can also tag them to try and extend the reach of the post. It’s also a good way to share the atmosphere and community feel you’ve got at your outlet.
Events: Facebook is the best way to add an event, just go into the event functionality and add all of the details, then share with your followers.
Videos and stories: Short snippets through stories or videos are a really engaging way to reach out to your audience. Why not do some simple videos of making cocktails or cooking your most popular dishes.
How to get more followers
- Make sure that you promote your social accounts wherever you can on posters, flyers and business cards.
- Add content that others may want to tag people in or share.
- Go through your posts and click here to see who has liked your post. If they don’t follow the page yet, you can invite them to follow the page.
How to boost your post
You can choose to ‘Boost’ any of your posts on Facebook, which basically means you have an inexpensive way to advertise. Simply choose which post you want to promote and select ‘Boost’.
- Select who you want to see the post. It’s recommended that if you’re promoting your outlet go for age and location. If you’re a specific outlet eg. Craft beer then you can also promote to people who are interested in craft beer.
- Choose when you want the advert to start and finish.
- Then set your budget and this will show you roughly how many people you can expect to reach through the post.